
Showing posts from February, 2015

Bothered by clothing? Or lack thereof?

  I have to admit that it used to (privately) bother me to see women wearing the Burqa or the Niqab - clothing that covers the whole body head to toe – including the face.  I was even ambivalent about the Hijab (head scarf). However, it bothered the rational side of me that I was so easily bothered by a piece of clothing .   After all, practically every society has a dress code - pieces of clothing that must be used to cover various parts of the body.   And, in almost all cases, the rules were different for men and women . I am quite certain that many people have had similar types of feelings.  I am writing this post in case it helps anyone else's thought processes about this. After having thought much about this, I realized that the reason why it bothered me was this:   I was subconsciously and automatically associating the (above mentioned) two pieces of clothing with oppression of women . But having different rules for clothing ...