Which world are you from?
Which World are you from? Third , Second or First ? And are you sure there is no fourth , fifth or sixth worlds? And are you from the Developed World , where presumably, from the title, development is now a thing of the past? I cringe every time I hear the term Third World or Developing World in spite of the fact that I currently live in what many might think of as the First World or the Developed World . (Don't get me wrong - I'd rather live here than anywhere else.) I find the terms very derogatory and arrogant . If I were to be living instead in this so-called third world, I would be very upset at such a reference. Third on what count? GDP? Military might? Family Values? Per capita murder rate? Terms like these stem from long-held sub-conscious feelings of supremacy - feelings that reduce one's openness to understanding others, and get in the way of everyone...