
  A Story of Three Jars --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This article was originally published at on Aug 25, 2021 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Once upon a time, in a laboratory belonging to Mother Nature, there existed a circular table.  The name of the table was E (short for ‘Earth’). There were many jars on this table.  All the jars were filled with creatures - creatures of a very interesting kind.  They went by the name of ' humans '. These jars were sometimes referred to as ' religion 's. However, three of these jars were much larger than the others.  They were named ' C ' , ' I ' and ' H '.  In 2020, C held approx. 31% of all these special creatures, I about 24% and H about 15%. While the jars had no lids, and the creatures inside could climb out, that was a tremendously difficu...

The Tree Of Life

  THE TREE OF LIFE (A 'slightly' different view on when life begins/ends) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This article was originally published on March 18, 2017 at and subsequently republished at on Feb. 3, 2018, and at   on Sep 3, 2021 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nobody denies that - at birth - that a child is alive. So we'll take that as a given. Prior to birth, there is a live and kicking fetus in the womb - most people would agree that it is alive. The kicking fetus grows from an initial embryo into what it is - so there is no question that the single-cell embryo itself is alive - because we can't create a living, kicking thing from...

Bothered by clothing? Or lack thereof?

  I have to admit that it used to (privately) bother me to see women wearing the Burqa or the Niqab - clothing that covers the whole body head to toe – including the face.  I was even ambivalent about the Hijab (head scarf). However, it bothered the rational side of me that I was so easily bothered by a piece of clothing .   After all, practically every society has a dress code - pieces of clothing that must be used to cover various parts of the body.   And, in almost all cases, the rules were different for men and women . I am quite certain that many people have had similar types of feelings.  I am writing this post in case it helps anyone else's thought processes about this. After having thought much about this, I realized that the reason why it bothered me was this:   I was subconsciously and automatically associating the (above mentioned) two pieces of clothing with oppression of women . But having different rules for clothing ...

Which world are you from?

Which  World   are you from?   Third , Second or First ?  And are you sure there is no fourth , fifth or sixth worlds?   And are you from the Developed World , where presumably, from the title, development is now a thing of the past? I cringe every time I hear the term Third World or Developing World   in spite of the fact that I currently live in what many might think of as the First World  or the Developed World . (Don't get me wrong - I'd rather live here than anywhere else.) I find the terms very derogatory  and arrogant .  If I were to be living instead in this so-called third world, I would be very upset at such a reference.  Third on what count?  GDP?  Military might? Family Values? Per capita murder rate? Terms like these stem from long-held sub-conscious feelings of supremacy - feelings that reduce one's openness to understanding others, and get in the way of everyone...

Thoughts for the New Year

May all of you have a wonderful new year, and may all your wishes for 2015 come true. Here are some of my own wishes for the coming year, in no particular order. May this year end more wars and begin new peace initiatives. May everyone understand one another better and be less fearful of differences - whether in political views, forms of government, race, religion, ethnicity, color, and how one acts, walks, talks, or dresses. May we have real-time video transmission from every airplane so we will always know what happened inside. (With a good codec like H.264, and a low frame rate (3-5 fps), we could likely send the video with about the same bandwidth as a satellite telephone call). May the world have less police brutality. May the world have less unarmed and armed robberies of stores. May the world have less double standards both towards , and within , every community. May we have video cameras on all police cars on all sides and inside as well. Then add body cams as well - th...

White is Not a Color?

Venu's Thoughts Series: WHITE IS NOT A COLOR?                                 ( White vs. Colored TERMINOLOGY) This thought struck me a long time ago - probably when I first came to the U.S. and started hearing discussions of 'colored-ness' of people.  I have to finally get it out! I'd like to point this out to everyone(and especially to everyone in the U.S. and Europe), to people of all races/ethnicities:                             ****** Folks, WHITE IS A COLOR !! ****** So can we please STOP DIVIDING THE WORLD INTO AN INVALID AND INCORRECT TWO-WAY BINARY SPLIT (1: colored 0: non-colored).   'White' people are colored people too - the color just happens to be white (or m...

'Territorial Integrity'

Venu's Thoughts Series: TERRITORIAL INTEGRITY (Kudos to U.K.) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The concept of territorial integrity is much brandied about (when it is convenient for the speaker). I propose that this concept is utter hogwash ! The concept basically says that previously established borders of a country must remain so.  Note that in most cases, these are borders established by some foreign power for their own convenience - in many cases, borders established by some colonial power without regard to the diverse cultures within these borders. Recently citizens of Scotland went to the polls to hold a referendum on whether to break away from U.K.   This, to me, is a model that the whole earth should follow .  No world leaders cried foul saying it is a violation of the 'territorial integrity' of U.K.  Kudos to citizens of U.K. for allowing this referendum to proceed peacefully and accepting its res...